Fraser's Commitment to a More Sustainable Future

Fraser is committed to protecting and preserving the very environment our entire business, and our industry as a whole, celebrates and promotes through the rewards of luxury yachting.


We are taking responsibility, in every area possible, to drive and encourage actions and thinking that can help protect and preserve our environment and reduce our footprint and that of our clients, partners, and staff not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.

Through a comprehensive series of ongoing actions, both in-house and across our fleet, we are enhancing our goals for a cleaner and more sustainable approach to our work, our yachting and our lives.

At Fraser we don’t ask: ‘why go green?’ we ask: ‘why wouldn’t we?’

“For almost everyone who enjoys quality time at sea, the reward of sustainability is being part of nature. You escape from the material and see the world from a whole new perspective. We are playing our part in making sure that reward remains available for our children.”
Anders Kurten
Chief Executive Officer, Fraser Yachts


More than ever at Fraser, we realise that what we do today will shape what the future looks like for all of us.

To spearhead our commitment for a more sustainable approach to our operations and the business of yachting, we set up a dedicated GREEN TEAM (see more below) to steer each and every one of our initiatives worldwide to their successful conclusion.
This team drives and encourages a mindset and a way of working to better preserve the environment and reduce our carbon footprint in and out of all Fraser offices. 

Our creative team was charged with working closely with the Green team to come up with a name and look for our actions,  to help keep us all focused on our ultimate goals and objectives.
That name is FUTURE - (Fraser Unites To Universally Respect the Environment) 



The logo shows an hour glass with a fresh young sapling growing from within.
The hour glass is a reminder that when it comes to taking responsibility for our actions and their effects on our environment, time is of the essence.
The tree is a reminder of the incredible results a positive change in mindset, a change that we make together, can have on our society and the world around us.

It is a reminder that what we do today will determine how our future looks.












As the first yachting company to sign up to the ecological agreement, the ‘Pacte National pour la Transition Energétique' with the Monaco Government, Fraser is committed to ensuring that the actions of all employees and all our corporate operations have a more positive environmental impact.

Here are just a few examples of Fraser corporate initiatives:

  • We carbon offset all corporate travel with funds invested into sustainable energy projects.
  • We have transitioned to Green electricity providers in many offices and are continuing to do so in others.
  • We work with environmentally conscious suppliers for all services and provisions.
  • We are a proud partner of Plastic Oceans who strive to increase awareness about plastic pollution to drive behavioral change.
  • We have no single-use plastic in our offices and employees in the Monaco office have signed an individual ecological pact.
  • We encourage digital documents as opposed to printing.
  • We have selective recycling facilities in our offices for paper, batteries, ink cartridges, computers etc.
  • Fraser has committed to the ongoing reduction in the use of printed marketing collateral. Should printing be required we purchase only recycled paper, use non-toxic ink, recyclable foils and also work with eco-certified providers.
  • We encourage low energy consumption throughout all offices (turn off lights, turn of computer when not in use, keep air-con and heating to a comfortable minimum, unplugging electronics when not in use...).
  • We have water fountains linked to the main water circuit and each of our employees has an eco-friendly 1 litre re-usable water bottle.
  • We provide cutlery and crockery in the office to reduce packaging waste, as well as dishwashers to reduce water consumption.
  • Our coffee machines use organic coffee beans and we recycle the grounds.
  • Each team member has a Fraser/TCN reusable tote cotton bag.
  • We select non-plastic recyclable gift items for clients and staff (steel pens, organic hoodies, tote bags, aluminium water bottles).
  • We encourage ongoing organisation, promotion and attendance at eco team-building activities and events such as beach cleaning days.
  • We promote the 5 R's throughout the workplace: Reuse, Refuse, Reduce, Recycle, Return to the earth.

External actions to better inform & support our clients worldwide: 

The Fraser Green Team is in place to support and advise on all environmental aspects of yachting,  and to provide our clients, Owners, Captains, crew  and staff with ideas and inspiration for initiatives they can put in place for a more sustainable and energy efficient yacht operation.

Actions include the creation of an Owners and Captains ‘Guide to Going Green’ to help raise further awareness and increase onboard initiatives

In January 2023 we invited Captains from our fleet and our technical team to a workshop on Bio Fuels, where Peninsula provided an overview of the current state of the market and recent regulations in regards to next-generation fuels. We also heard firsthand from those that have used Bio Fuel on board yachts.

Our Yacht Management team is releasing  a dedicated Owners and Captains Guide to Energy Saving Opportunities that can be implemented on board.

All Fraser departments actively promote carbon offsetting to our yacht fleets.

EyeSea video
Fraser has recently partnered up with the nonprofit global pollution and maritime hazard mapping organisation Eyesea. The mobile App uses geotagged images to map and chart marine pollution to identify areas where action is needed. 

If you would like to become an Eyesea partner or test the app, please see the Eyesea website here or reach out to Fraser’s Green Team for more information.

Since Fraser has been offsetting our carbon footprint projects supported include the Vader Piet wind park project in Aruba, the Elmali Wind Power Plant wind park project in Turkey and Vanga Blue, a mangrove project in Kenya.

An increasing number of yachts in the Fraser fleet carbon offset their bunkers.  Fraser and the Green Team can help set this up where required.

"I believe everyone involved in the yachting industry can easily and should do something to help the environment – no matter how big or small. For a few years that captains of Ace (myself and Nick Street) and Garçon (James Laing and Matt Smith) have been working towards more green and efficient ways in terms of operating the yachts- from changing the products used for cleaning and maintenance, to reducing all waste on board, especially plastics."
Vladimir Celar
Captain of ACE with Nick Street and founder of the ACE GARCON Environmental Committee

For those who want to enjoy sustainable yachting, adopting even some of the many ideas and tips shared in the FRASER GUIDE TO GOING GREEN will make a very big difference.


For those who want to enjoy sustainable yachting that can also contribute immensely to the research and work being conducted today by leading organisations and associations to help clean our oceans and environment – Explorer Yachts come into their own.


Today, Fraser is not only involved in the yacht management and project management of “eco-explorers” such as LA DATCHA, but also offers one of the most comprehensive selections of Explorer yachts for sale anywhere in the world.


From YERSIN to PLANET NINE, these are vessels built by and for owners who want to make a difference for this planet.


Designed to cruise every one of the world’s oceans with minimal impact, extensive range and all the facilities required to help with research and exploration, these are the vessels designed for the yacht owners of today who are focused on protecting the FUTURE of our seas.


Sound like a challenge you are keen to be a part of?



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superyacht events

02 August 2024
02 August 2024


25th-28th September